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Tim started the property company in 2019 and has applied strategic focus and expertise to building a cash-flowing, mixed commercial and residential portfolio ever since.
Prior to property investing Tim spent 15+ years as a Landscaper/Groundworker which till this day still owns the company as it is growing strong each year - his career highlight was being able to take overgrown, tired gardens and turning them into a picture postcard garden.
At Wards Homes we source old, tired properties and old run-down commercial properties. Using our own capital and private funding, we purchase and refurb the property using our own style to create a unique home. We aim to make each of our homes eco-friendly which will be much cheaper to run, by using more sustainable materials in our refurbs and build.
We Turned this 2-bed unloved house into a 3-bed family home.
This was a 2-bed house which needed a light refurb to make into a family home.
Across the businesses we partner with private investors on a % return for a fixed term. Please get in touch if this is something you would like to explore with us.